Sunday, June 22, 2014

Immigration in the Heartland

Blogging has slowed down with other summer plans, and I still probably won't post anything at length in the next few days as I make final touches on a research proposal and update the qv package for Stata.

Meanwhile, some really nice journalism by Damien Cave and Todd Heisler from the New York Times. They have been traveling along Interstate 35 and reporting on the evolving relationship between immigrants and Heartland America. Their journey and all of the updates can be traced on Twitter at #thewaynorth. The most recent report, titled "Living with Immigration", documents the gradual, sometimes reluctant, acceptance of immigrants in many communities.

What I love about this type of work is how it gives a face to the surge of U.S. immigrants in non-traditional places. Academic research on the this phenomenon, often referred to as the "new destination" literature, has been fruitful. But since I like to sometimes mix in non-academic sources when teaching introductory courses, I always appreciate high quality journalism on social issues.

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